Feeding your inner flame

Dear BMC Family, 

In this week’s Torah portion (parsha) Tzav, it is commanded that a small fire be placed on the altar - a fire that must never be extinguished. Rabbi Moshe Becker commentates “this small flame also reminds each of us that we have a spark to learn and improve within us. It is our responsibility to nurture our spark by feeding it through continued learning.”

While we often think of learning as academic, there are many forms of knowledge and intelligence we can intentionally focus on and grow, including:

  • intrapersonal awareness, or getting to know yourself

  • interpersonal awareness, or improving social skills

  • kinesthetics, or getting in touch with your physicality

  • aesthetics, or appreciating/practicing your art

  • auditory awareness, or improving listening skills

  • spiritual awareness, or improving your mindfulness

One of our students spoke about how he has been working on his auditory awareness and spending more time practicing music. In fact, he plans to incorporate some of his composition skills into this d’var Torah!

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BMC is continuing the learning journey with our students through our virtual sessions. If you know anyone who is considering b'nai mitzvah tutoring, please tell them to feel free to reach out to us at bnaimitzvahcampaign@gmail.com to begin their journey.

Continuing to wish you safety and health, and sending a רְפוּאָה שְׁלֵמָה (r’fuah shlema, full recovery) to anyone currently in need.

Shabbat Shalom, 

BMC Team