What Folks are Saying

It was such a joy to have Yehudah come into our home each week with his calm and lovely disposition and effortless way of teaching. Yehudah worked with my older son, Eli, and was so wonderful that we never hesitated to have him in our lives again 3 years later for Julian’s recent Bar Mitzvah. Although my boys have very different personalities, Yehudah worked wonderfully with both and found ways to bond with each. It is hard to believe that Julian’s Bar Mitzvah was 8 months ago and we miss our weekly appointments! Many, many thanks to Yehudah for making the Bar Mitzvah preparation process so seamless and enjoyable.
— Jenny Isikoff: JCP Community Member
Yehudah did a truly masterful job in training our 12 year old daughter to chant Hebrew for her Bat Mitzvah in September 2011. He is fantastic at teaching, deeply knowledgeable and precise with his Hebrew, always on time, always charming and delightful, loved by our daughter and by our whole family. Beyond all this, he was helpful and soothing during the stressful period leading up to the big day. He is an excellent person and excellent teacher. It is hard to imagine that anyone could do a better job.
— David Udell: Unaffiliated Family
WE LOVED GABRIELLE. She was fantastic. Could not have asked for a better experience. We loved our ceremony. It was very personal to us. It’s exactly what we wanted and our guests felt that it was a very different and interesting experience.
— Mann Family: Unaffiliated Family
When we first met Yehudah it was at a friend’s bar mitzvah. He was standing by the young man’s side that he had taught. What impressed us was the confidence, poise and enjoyment they both showed and shared throughout the ceremony. Yehudah’s smile is genuine and indicative of his approach to sharing the experience of learning to read from the torah. Ezra always looked forward to the lessons. The process took time and there were distractions of a demanding school year. Always gracious and thoughtful, Yehudah never lost sight of the goal and kept us on track throughout the process. His mix of classes, on-line study options and a few Skype sessions at the end was fantastic. We are all so thankful to have shared our son’s important life passage with Yehudah. We look forward to going through it again with our daughter in a few years.
— Septimus Family: PSJC Community Member